Information Technology Overview
The mission of the Leechburg Area School District IT Department is to deliver reliable, innovative, and secure technology solutions that enhance student learning, support educators, and guide the district toward a stronger digital future.
By providing our students with diverse technical opportunities, our students graduate with hands on technological experiences and skills necessary to compete in today’s post secondary environment and life.
As part of our district vision of twenty-first century learning, LASD provides each student access to an Internet capable device. This means we have a ratio of one device for every student (one to one, or "1:1.") The devices are distributed on the first day of school and retrieved during the last week of school. There is no cost to families associated with the use of these devices unless they become damaged in a student’s care. During the summer the devices are sanitized, software updated, and tested before redistribution.
The district continues to work with state and federal programs to make key technological systems available to students.