School Directors
The Leechburg Area School District Board of School Directors consists of nine (9) individuals who are elected at large by the citizens of Leechburg. School Board members are both state and local officials. Though elected locally, they serve on behalf of the Pennsylvania state legislature. Each director serves without compensation for a term of four (4) years.
The Board of School Directors' primary responsibilities include providing for the education of all children, setting district policies and regulations regarding school activities, adopting textbooks, hiring staff, adopting an annual school district budget and levying taxes.
Board Vice President
Mr. James Dunmire | Mrs. Melanie Knight |
Mr. Joseph Lepish | Mr. Darius Lovelace |
Mr. Tom Maxin | Ms. Candi Stewart |
Mr. Anthony Townsend | |
Dr. David Keibler, Superintendent |
Mrs. Jaime Spiering, Board Secretary |
Dodaro, Dalfonso, Matta & Cambest, P.C., Board Solicitor |
Ms. Lara Wozniak, Dir of Treasury Services-Nextier Bank, Board Treasurer |
Board Budget & Finance Committee | *Andrew Pallus, Melanie Knight, Joe Lepish | Business Manager |
Education Committee | *Joe Lepish, Anthony Townsend, Candi Stewart | Curriculum Director, Special Education Director |
Extracurricular/Athletics Committee | *Andrew Pallus, Melanie Knight, Darius Lovelace | High School Principal |
Facilities/Technology Committee | *Joe Lepish, Andrew Pallus, Jim Dunmire | Maintenance Director, Technology Director |
Personnel Committee | *Tom Maxin, Andrew Pallus, Candi Stewart | |
Records Management Committee | *Anthony Townsend, Jim Dunmire, Darius Lovelace | Business Manager/Board Secretary |
Policy Review Committee | Candi Stewart, Andrew Pallus | High School Principal |
Questions/Comments for Board members may be forwarded to
Mrs. Jaime Spiering, Board Secretary
Telephone: (724) 845-7701 x 110
Fax: (724) 845-2241
Email: [email protected]
U.S. Mail: 210 Penn Avenue, Leechburg, PA 15656